Class Times

Mondays & Fridays
9.15 – 10.00 Walking to age 3
10.00 – 10.45 3 and 4 year olds
10.45 – 11.30 3 and 4 year olds
11.30 – 12.15 Walking to age 3
13.00 – 13.45 3 months to walking (Mondays only)
13.00 – 13.45 3 and 4 year olds (Fridays only)
13.45 – 14.30 3 and 4 year olds (Fridays only)

Gym Tots follows the Kingston schools holiday schedule.


Each session is £11 and fees are paid every half-term in blocks. For example:

  • 6 weeks = £66.00
  • 7 weeks = £77.00
  • 8 weeks = £88.00

There is an annual payment to become a Tolworth Gym Club member. Once a member of TGC you will be covered by the British Gymnastics insurance scheme and added to their waiting list for school time gym classes.

Click here to download the membership form required for first session.

Fees Terms and Conditions

Gym Tots accepts BACS, cash or card.

Fees letters for the next term are given out in class in the last weeks of term. They are also available at reception.

Fees are due to be paid before the first week of the new term.

Please email if you will not be returning for the next term or are unable to attend the first few weeks but still want your place. If you do not turn up for the first two weeks and have not communicated with us, we will assume you will not be returning and your place may be given to someone from the waiting list.

Full term payment must always be paid, unless you are a new member starting after a term has commenced.

Gym Tots does not offer refunds.


Suitable clothing for gymnastics activity must be worn for your child’s safety and comfort. For example:

  • Leotard
  • T-shirt
  • Leggings or shorts

No jeans, trousers, cropped tops or skirts

Your child will be given a Gym Tots members t-shirt when they join. This is dependent on sizes available in stock; if none are available then one will be ordered.

New for 2025!

Tolworth Gym Tots will be offering a new class in 2025. Please welcome “Gym Tots does baby sensory”

Mondays 1.00-1.45pm – 3 months – walking

The class will start with a baby sensory style warm up, followed by Gym Tots exploratory free play and then finish with a final group activity.

From the very begininng the children work towards achieving goals with the supervision of trained and experienced coaches, many of which have been gymnasts at Tolworth themselves.